Paul Perrier, a resident of Newfoundland and an open supporter of Byron Prior, has been charged with mischief by the Newfoundland Constabulary because he used a program to make it appear as if the message came from Newfoundland Premier, Danny William's office:
The following is the content of the email that was sent out to look like it came from NTV:
For Immediate Release
Aug 4, 2006
Geoff Strearling and Fred Hutton are CHILD RAPISTS??????
NOTE: These emails are not to accusing Danny Williams the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, reporter Fred Hutton and Geoff Stirling of NTV & OZFM of actually committing these rapes but they know very well about these crimes and are in the position to have these crimes looked into. If you are not willing to help fight crimes like this, then you must be willing to support them, there is no happy mediums when it comes to rapes against children.
Canadian law states that if you know about a crime and don't do anything about that crime then you are just as guilty as the person/persons who committed that crime. Especially if you are in a position to help.
Regarding Comments On The Front Page Of Wednesday's Aug 2, 2006 Newspaper The Evening Telegram
"Spoof Email Derails Government System".
Ask Danny Williams the Premier of Newfoundland andLabrador to either deny/admit knowing about these rapes against children concerning the Byron Prior Case in these emails that are being sent out. It can be proven that Danny William the Premier of Newfoundland & Labrador is fully aware about these crimes and refuses to have these rapes against children investigated Danny and his law firm at the time looked over Byron's case for 6 months and even though this can be proven through DNA, Danny and his firm refuse to help Byron.
Also ask reporter Fred Hutton and Geoff Stirling of NTV and OZFM to either deny/admit knowing about these rapes against children concerning the Byron Prior Case. These people have a copy of Byron Prior's file in their possession and have spoke with Byron about this but say they can do nothing for him, knowing Byron can prove these rapes did actually happen through DNA TESTING!
Stories of a 4-year-old baby girl left on the kitchen floor in a pool of their own blood after being raped. Reporter Fred Hutton and Geoff Stirling of NTV & OZFM reviewed Byron Priors files and spoke with Byron, even though Byron can prove these rapes occurred BEYOND ANY DOUBT through DNA TESTING that no courtroom can dispute.Reporter Fred Hutton and Geoff Stirling of NTV andOZFM still will not help these people get justice.
Why may you ask? Because these men are Former Chief Justice Minister of Newfoundland & Labrador T. Alex Hickman (owner of Hickman Motors) and also Liberal MP Bill Matthews which are the fathers of the babies from the children they raped. By the way, these men actually paid money to be able to rape these children. Liberal MP Bill Matthews and his friends raped the same child repeatedly, for more than 3 Yrs. At 14, she had a second baby. A third baby, at 18 & 3 miscarriages also. If you have millions of dollars and own a number of businesses it seems like you can rape children and the government and justice system will turn a blind eye to it.
The RCMP and RNC also have a big part of this cover up of rapes against children. Despite six visits with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, including more than 50 hours of testimony and a list of countless witnesses, absolutely nothing has been done in the defense of Mr. Prior and his siblings to this day.
Also Constable Jim Case of the RNC will even harass this rape victim, hoping Byron will go away because the man Byron wants charged with rape is former Chief Justice Minister of Newfoundland & Labrador T. Alex Hickman. This man T. Alex Hickman, a child rapists the RNC honour in the lobby of the Fort Townshend building. Constable Jim Case of the RNC even told Byron that he
(Constable Jim Case) is not there to find the truth but to try and have Byron charged to get him to shut up about these charges against former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland T. Alex Hickman. This officer Constable Jim Case is also known for other destruction's regarding helping children here in Newfoundland and Lab, another story that would deeply disturb the people from Newfoundland & Lab. The RNC honour and protect CHILD RAPISTS and also have destroyed opportunities at the cost of tens of millions of dollars annually to children here in Newfoundland and Lab. The RNC are also involved in other very serious crimes in Newfoundland & Labrador that deeply effect the future of our children. More information will be released about these crimes the RNC are involved in, in the very near future.
What does T. Alex Hickman and Liberal MP Bill Matthews have on Danny Williams the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, reporter Fred Hutton and Geoff Stirling of NTV & OZFM to refuse to help this man have justice done and let child rapists walk free??
By Canadian Law Danny Williams the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, reporter Fred Hutton and Geoff Stirling of NTV & OZFM are just as guilty as these CHILD RAPISTS because if they will not help get these crimes investigated especially when they are in the position to do so through the
power of government or a media story, then they must support these crimes.
REMEMBER NTV and OZM didn't mind dragging Gregory Parsons through the media telling the world that he raped and murdered his own mother and then he finally proved he did not though DNA testing and was proven not guilty (actually Gregory is a really nice man). NTV & OZFM didn't mind destroying this man's reputation to get a story (I don't recall NTV/OZFM apologising to Gregory Parsons, for they were the reason everyone knew about the crime, than ran the story regardless if he was guilty or not). Why do they refuse to cover this story to have justice served and have these rapes investigated especially when this CAN BE PROVEN WITH DNA TESTING.
NTV and OZFM didn't mind running a story a few months back regarding the education board of directors and the Medicare board of directors taking hundreds of thousands of dollars that they did not have any right to and they didn't mind exposing how the Chief of the RNC stole over $10.000
while on the job and there was never a police investigation and no one ever got charged, although they did replace the Chief of the RNC approx 2 months later but under the radar of the media. NTV & OZFM didn't mind going after these people even though they were never investigated by police so why can't they run this story and have these crimes dealt with?Is it true that this man T. Alex Hickman, the man who raped these children, the man who owns Hickman Motors gives NTV and OZFM cars for them to drive like Hummers for promotional purposes for Hickman Motors?? Maybe NTV & OZFM don't want to ruin any free gifts from this rapist?
****SAGA BOOKS****
There is now a BOOK PUBLISHED
****Playing With The Devil****
You will be stunned and shocked when you read how their own mother not only abused them in every possible way, but also tendered out her youngsters to area businessmen, political figures, Salvation Army officers and even a judicial member, just to put a few measly dollars in her own pocket.
You can purchase this book "Playing With The Devil" from read more
In Ottawa. April 4, 2006 to date. Website of
******* WARNING contents are disturbing!!! ******
READ Byron Prior's website
******* WARNING contents are disturbing!!! ******
If the public of Newfoundland and Labrador care about the rights of children please contact Danny Williams the Premier of Newfoundland & Labrador, reporter Fred Hutton and Geoff Stirling of NTV and OZFM and ask them to stop taking part in the cover up of rapes against children and be men and cover this story and have these crimes investigated. A Public Inquiry should be held to get to the truth and why these rapes against children are being covered up.
Remember NTV & OZFM didn't mind covering this story when Danny Williams took down politicians for stealing money from tax payers, then why does reporter Fred Hutton and Geoff Stirling of NTV and OZFM refuse to run a story to take down CHILD RAPISTS??? Seems like money is more of a concern to NTV & OZFM than the rights of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, the rights of our children.
I deeply suggest that Danny Williams the Premier of Newfoundland & Labrador, NTV and OZFM do something to help get justice NOW because this story will be coming out since Byron has launched his book "Playing With The Devil" and then you will have to explain to the public why all of you did nothing. How do you think Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, Canadians and people
from other parts of the world will think of you then? The question Danny Williams the Premier of Newfoundland & Labrador, reporter Fred Hutton and Geoff Stirling of NTV and OZFM should ask themselves are you willing to take a chance on being exposed and looking bad for a man who raped these children or are you willing to come forward and have these crimes investigated and prove to the people of Newfoundland & Labrador, Canadian's and the world that you do support children at any cost.
Danny Williams the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, reporter Fred Hutton and Geoff Stirling of NTV & OZFM you can be either be apart of the problem or apart of the solution, which one will it be? NTV and OZFM love a good news story so why don't they cover the PROTEST on PARLIMENT HILL" in Ottawa ??
If this man T. Alex Hickman was just a regular person like the rest of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians the media & justice system would be all over this and the media would chase the accused all over to tell the world about the alleged crimes and ruin their reputation before they have a chance to prove in a court of law of their innocence. So what makes this man T. Alex Hickman
special? Because T. Alex Hickman, was Justice Minister from 1966 to 1979 also Health Minister 1968 to 1969 and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland 1979 to 2000, Freemason Grand Master, 34 YEARS OF COMPLETE LEGAL SYSTEMS CONTROL?? SO WHAT! He has to go by the same laws as every other regular citizen of Newfoundland and
Labrador, Canada has to go by.
Newfoundlanders and Labradorians/Canadians should remember: It is not "One law for all", it actually is "What law can you afford!"
More names of people who are apart of this conspiracy to cover up children being raped in near future.
The reason for this email is to inspire the people who know about these crimes and are in the position in public to demand the justice system either through government or media running Byron's story to help this man Byron Prior get true Canadian justice that Byron and his family deserve. Let Newfoundlanders and Labradorians decide if T. Alex and Liberal MP Bill Matthews should be
charged not corrupt people in government and the justice system and let Byron Prior and his family get the justice they so long waited for.
if you do not see Byron Prior's story being run through the media in the very near future then you can rest assure that NTV & OZFM are in support of child rapists. REMEMBER Byron is on PARLIMENT HILL in Ottawa since April 4, 2006 to date. Website of So why will NTV & OZFM not cover this??? This story is actually happening and the person involved is a Newfoundlander. The People of Newfoundland & Labrador
should ask why. No one has ever charged Byron for what he is accusing these people of. Why? Because Byron can prove these rapes happened, so going into a courtroom will only help Byron so that's why he has never faced any criminal or civil action. If Byron didn't have DNA and only had witnesses to these crimes then these rapists could hire a excellent lawyer and basically discredit any witness on the stand but since Byron has DNA that can not be disputed no matter how much money these rapists pay for a lawyer. With DNA testing these rapists will be proven beyond any doubt that they did indeed rape these children.
I say this again, ask Danny Williams the Premier of Newfoundland & Labrador, reporter Fred Hutton and Geoff Stirling of NTV & OZFM to deny knowing about these crimes. They can not! Then ask them why they prefer to do nothing about these rapes against children especially when they are in the position to have justice served.
Contact Danny Williams the Premier of Newfoundland & Labrador, reporter Fred Hutton and Geoff Stirling of NTV & OZFM and tell them to stop supporting rapes against children. Remember with the power of the media these crimes can be dealt with but if the media will do nothing then there will
be no justice for children. Danny Williams the Premier of Newfoundland & Labrador also can have these crimes looked into. Mr. Williams seems to be a real take charge type of a man and if he is going to lead Newfoundland & Labrador into the future then he should remember that the children are the true future of Newfoundland and Labrador, not a future of protecting child rapists.
Please Danny Williams the Premier of Newfoundland & Labrador, reporter Fred Hutton and Geoff Stirling of NTV and OZFM show true pride in the future of Newfoundland & Labrador and help justice be served.
Purchase this book "Playing With The Devil" from and know the true story for yourself! Wrote by: Martha Jette
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The Office of the Premier of Newfoundland & Labrador
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Phone: (709) 729-3570
Fax: (709) 729-5875
Fed up with corruption and concerned with the safety of my family.
Will release my identity in the near future.