Monday, April 24, 2006

Messages From Byron's Sister

Date: Wed Apr 5, 2006
Name: Family member
Comments: To # 185; This is absolutely true! Do you think we are dumb enough to voluntarily put ourselves out there like this if it were lies? Please believe me. Ask what you wish. I will answer you. Keep an open mind.You are not there where we are or have been.Give us a break,we deserve it!!I would never lie about something like this. Too real!!

Date: Wed Apr 5, 2006
Comments: The last thing I wanted was for this story to come to light but now there is nothing I can do to stop it so ask whatever you wish and I will be truthfull. Please be kind as we have suffered enough, I beg you.

Date: Wed Apr 5, 2006
Comments: and admit that it is true just so people don't say we are liars. Give us a chance for once at a normal life without scrutiny. People will respect you more for this. That would rite a terrible wrong and you will be forgiven.

Date: Wed Apr 5, 2006
Comments: I just wish someone would blow this all open. Why doesn't some media giant pick up on such a true story as this. World wide exposure of these people would be enough for me. I don't care as long as they feel remorse and shame.

Date: Wed Apr 5, 2006
Comments: Personally I am 45 years old and Female. I am ok. It is other siblings that I am concerned about. They were not as fortunate as I was. I guess maybe someday there will be Justice but I would hope it is in this world and soon.

Date: Wed Apr 5, 2006
Comments: To #211 on this page. How dare you call my brother Gay?? You are obviously an ignorant SOB...Come out and give your name. We will then see who's the gay one!! Off come the gloves Bud!!!

Date: Tue Apr 4, 2006
Comments: a just God, cannot long retain it.I really do pray for Justice in all of this. It may come but I have my doubts. What about some of the talk shows? Have you looked into it? I'm certain you must have by now! No takers? What's new?

ate: Tue Apr 4, 2006
Comments: am asking you all to finally give us some freedom from this mental state of prison.To be abused and live with it is nothing short of being a slave and those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves...

Date: Tue Apr 4, 2006
Comments: My life has been adrift in the middle of the sea and more than 40 years later I am still a long way from shore.They do not want to go to prison??We have been in our own prison for all these years. Freedom is a mental state...

Date: Tue Apr 4, 2006
Comments: All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.Suffering is permanent,obscure and dark/And shares the nature of infinity.(William Wordsworth,1795)Crime and punishment grow out of one stem.

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